Complete Training Plan for Weight Loss – 3 Challenges | Lean and Fit

That's when we start looking for training plan for weight loss, diets, recipes, gyms, and Personal Trainers - live or remotely.

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Every year, the “most feminine month” March reminds us that no matter what, Summer is Coming! That’s when we start looking for a training plan for weight loss, diets, gyms, and Personal Trainers – live or remotely. Thanks to cookies we are flooded with suggestions…

What do I do better when delivering you a Training Plan for weight loss?

To best describe it, I will use the words of people I have worked with and continue to work with over the years because I am sure that in them you will find the solution to your problems. See the answers to the questions you have asked yourself many times.

“In the locker room, I heard that Stefan’s diet did not work and later I realized that they do not just eat fish, but fried. Chocolate was allowed, yes possible, but not a meter a week. I am personally very pleased and have achieved great results. Stefan’s weight loss training plan work by changing your habits for the better without you even realizing it – this coach understands his job.

Maria – fb review (feel free to visit our fb page)

Here is Mims’ fitness journey with Bestefficient, which began with the promise of 5 workouts a week in February 2019, went through several points showing lower and lower body weight, and 18 months later said that there is a “New Super Force “Namely – You can eat a cake and lose weight at the same time!

The challenges you face when using a tightening training plan?

Training Plan for Weight Loss
Weight Loss Fitness Plan – Lean & Fit

Challenge №1: The weight loss plan does not meet your capabilities at all

This is the number one problem faced by beginners in the gym, as well as those who subscribe to low-cost online programs.

You don’t actually get an action plan, you get a set of exercises. You may often not be able to do half of them because they just don’t fit you. And if there are any parameters at all: weights, repetitions, breaks, etc., they are far above, below, or beyond your capabilities.

Here, the Bestefficient mobile training app not only stands out from the crowd but literally hits the target, giving you the right combination of exercises, the right dosage, and the most effective action plan.

“I managed to lose 15 kg – almost 2 times more than I thought I would succeed in just half a year. The results I have from training and the plan for tightening and weight loss are amazing. For the first 2 months, I lost over 10 cm from the waist circumference.
We also worked remotely through his training app – it has everything, videos, explanations, reminders, repetitions, weights, breaks – everything you can think of.


Challenge №2: The training program for tightening and losing weight consists of more than one document

or you have to use different resources. This will “eat” most of your time. Imagine: You have a pdf document that directs you to a link on YouTube and then again in the document, and now let’s save everything in this Excel spreadsheet to send your data.

With Bestefficient you have everything in one place – program, training, exercises, videos, track + many more useful materials + direct access to me – your trainer – in the application itself.

The joy of training with Bestefficient

Challenge №3: The training plan for weight loss is actually just a series of videos

this type of “product” has no feedback. Press play and start. In fact, there are thousands of such “programs” for free. 9 out of 10 cases, however, the received “service” is comparable to the popular TV morning aerobics in the 90s of the last century.

In contrast, with bestefficient, you get access to a mobile application where you can apply your individual achievements in the course of the training and finally evaluate it so that I, as your coach, can adapt it accordingly.

When you train, you have information about your personal achievements and the average values you manage to cope with. So you have a real orientation of what is happening and you can really develop.

What distinct the Bestefficient weight loss plans

If you are determined to fight overweight and lack of tone once and for all, start today your Training Plan for Weight Loss with the Bestefficient mobile application.
Since I want you to succeed in your challenge, after the first week you will definitely have a free consultation with me.

“I have been training with Stefan since 2006. For me, movement and sports have long been daily occurrences. Over time, I have tried different sports. I have heard praise from other coaches that only with fitness I manage to keep up with the “pace” … :). What makes me go back to Stefan’s hall is the professionalism and the serious attitude towards things.

bestefficient training anywhere

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