The CrossFit Code and 3 strong mindsets to keep you engaged

CrossFit Code
CrossFit Code is known worldwide and there are always people who just getting started. I'm here to encourage you and help you on the go.

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CrossFit is known worldwide and there are always people who just getting started. I’m here to encourage you and help you on the go. Let me guide you with the CrossFit Code and show you the bright side of this adventure.

The fitness industry is a constant struggle for supremacy, to show that you are better, that your training methods are above all others. Bigger hall, better equipment, more locations, more interesting schedule.

The secret of the CrossFit Code

In light of this – CrossFit turns out to be an amazing marketing machine. It started about 20 years ago as something between a gym and a weightlifting gym. What it manages to do very well over time is to evolve and get its hands on every essential form of exercise. Integrating it into its protocols. And this is one of the keys to modern sports – it just has to be a symbiosis of training methods, applied correctly in the course of training.

For this, however, there is a single key factor. The truth is, no matter how big the gym is, even if the location and schedule allow you to train anywhere and anytime, no matter what displays and indicators the devices have to record your repetitions (for example) – in the end, it all depends on who will welcome you!

The coach – what foundation he will build you with his qualifications and experience and what environment he will create for you – with his attitude.

Here you can see my at-home workout plan and some of the results in this article.

3 mindsets for CrossFit

CrossFit may not be easy to perform, but it’s easy to go

Take the bag with your shirt and trainers and one way or another you’ll do it. CrossFit is so popular so there are always halls open, slots available, and instructors willing to support your efforts. Boxes are everywhere on your way. Workout of the Day (WOD) is on your phone before you think about it.

The coaches are usually capable* and will adjust the workout on the go if you need to. Let’s say you struggle in Olympic lifting or Gymnastics. Just tell the Coach and most probably he’ll modify the workout for you – you’ll skip the snatch or the handstand against the wall.

But you’ll do the workout; it won’t be a piece of cake. But by the end of the day, you’ll feel better and stronger. That’s what I’m calling a good job.

*Note: You can check if the Coach is certified to lead CrossFit classes here.

If you couldn’t find any – here’s the deal. Search for a good Personal Trainer who could teach you the fundamentals and the most common exercises. Once you adopt the proper form and improve your technique you are free to go.

Have a look of my strength and muscle workout plan.

CrossFit is possible
CrossFit is possible

The CrossFit Code is exciting

Yesterday we’ve made AMRAP (No, that’s not part of the local fast-food menu), today we are doing EMOM, and tomorrow we have a date with one of The Girls. You could see how to translate all these later in this article. My point is CrossFit is so various which makes it so exciting from newbies to advanced ones.

You won’t repeat a workout any sooner than your first month, maybe you’ll meet some of the exercises after few weeks. The fundamental drills part of The CrossFit Code will remain. Still, there’ll be lots of changes in the pace, weights, repetitions and so many other things in your workouts.

The variety is rarely considered among the top needed aspects for physical development by fitness professionals. Anyway, up to me, it’s a part of a psychological game that holds the trainees engaged in the process.

CrossFit is exciting
CrossFit is exciting

CrossFit Code is an universal key

If I have to be honest and I am because it’s my blog and I want to share the truth I’ve reached with time and by hours of practice. It’s upside down. The universe of sport creates codes that CrossFit “adopts” and tries to make the best of it. With one exception.

As a result; Crossfit is a combination of so many sports, disciplines, and methods that at one point it became a universal decision – easy to take. Something like a hypermarket for different types of workouts – HIIT, weightlifting, gymnastics, etc. Supposed to be precisely selected best and effective practices. Thanks to this symbiosis, it is perfect for optimizing the work of your body during daily tasks.

Here comes the big exception of the rush. At least, in the beginning, listen to what the coach tells you about your technique and the form of your movements. And forget the rush of the stopwatch, no matter how loud anyone (even the Coach) screams at you. Isn’t enough deadlines in your everyday life? Listen to me and you’ll be happier, healthier, and fitter from the workouts you are doing.

You want to be fit and slim, check my workout plan.

Watch your form no matter what
Watch your form no matter what

That was my ABC of The CrossFit Code and the cons that you could turn into pros. Now let’s jump to the slang in CrossFit.

CrossFit Code to translate the scripts


AMRAP – As Many Reps As Possible. The maximum number of repetitions to be performed in a given period of time. This is a type of workout in which the goal is to complete as many rounds of exercise or set of exercises as you can before the allotted time expires.


BOX – the place where the training takes place. It is characterized by a huge space, which houses only the existential things for CrossFit – levers for weightlifting, weights, dumbbells, push-ups, etc.
BP – Bench Press

BS – Back Squat
BW – Bodyweight – Training with your own weight or movement


C&J – Clean and Jerk – one of the two movements involved in the Olympic Weightlifting
CLN – Clean / Inversion
C2 – Concept 2 / Rowing machines Concept 2 one of the most recognizable brands in the world and almost an integral part of every BOX (CrossFit hall)

Concept 2 – one of the best machines for cardio & endurance workout


DL – Deadlift


EMOM – Every Minute On the Minute / You must do a certain number of repetitions of a movement/s at the beginning of each minute


FS – Front Squat


The Games – The Games / CrossFit Games, which are held annually in the United States and are the arena of the best crossfitters in the world
The Girls – Refers to a trademark of workouts. They were created at CrossFit’s headquarters and are a standardized method for tracking athletes’ progress. The original 6 “girls” came out in 2003, and their names are Angie, Barbara, Chelsea, Diane, Elizabeth, and Fran.


HRPU – Hand Release Push Up with the arms detached from the floor in the lower position
Hero WOD – Heroic training / Named after fallen soldiers and firefighters. These drills are held to honor the death of the dead.


KB – Kettlebell
K2E – Knees to Elbows


ME – Maximum Effort to be performed for a time or a certain number of repetitions
MetCon – Metabolic Conditioning / short high-intensity workout designed to improve your metabolism and cardiovascular capacity.
MP – Military Press
MU – Muscle Up / Strength ascent of a lever or rings


OHS – Overhead Squat


Paleo – a diet based on the theory that humans should eat the foods available to them in nature. It’s based on Dr. Loren Cordain’s book “The Paleo Diet.” Most often related to CrossFit athletes. They say Not a ‘diet’, but a healthy lifestyle.
PC – Power Clean
PD – Pood / Unit of measurement. 1 pood = 16 kg
PP – Push Press
PR – Personal Record
PSN – Power Snatch
PU – Pull Up or Push Up
Pukie – an unofficial (and undoubtedly gross) mascot of CrossFit. Pukie is a drawing of a clown that shows what happens to athletes (and their digestive system) when they push too hard for their well-being.


RX – Prescribed weights or reps for training – Do not change the weights or reps. They are not subject to change unless the coaches judge.


SN – Snatch (one of the two movements involved in Olympic Weightlifting)
SQ – Squat with own weight


TGU: Turkish getting up, complex and multi-joint exercise.
T2B – Toes to Bar


Uncle Rhabdo: Uncle Rhabdo – a controversial, unofficial mascot of CrossFit, presenting to the extreme the concept of “no pain, no gain”. The condition, rhabdomyolysis (rhabdo), can occur when muscles work so hard that pathological damage occurs. A protein called ‘pigmented myoglobin’ is released into the bloodstream and excreted from the body by the kidneys. Myoglobin breaks down into potentially dangerous components that can block structures in the kidneys and cause damage such as acute tubular necrosis and acute renal failure.


WOD – Workout Of the Day. The most essential part of the CrossFit Code – the coach can create his own or use an officially published WOD, which is updated daily on

Sources: Men’s Health and

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