How to Get Fit for Advanced: Master Your Wellness with These 9 Rules

Get fit for advanced
It's not easy to get fit but getting fit for advanced and staying healthy is a real challenge.

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It’s not easy to get fit but how to get fit for advanced in any sport is a real challenge.

In a previous article, I introduce 9 easy steps to get fit and stay healthy. If you believe you can handle at least half of the above steps, then it’s time to step up a bit to take your health into your own hands instead of letting it limit you more and more.

1. Regular training is the foundation to get fit for advanced

Regular Training to Get Fit for Advanced

I know many of you would say “You can’t outwork your bad diet!” but once you start doing any sport regularly and consciously (not like a weekend soccer superstar) believe me you won’t be the same Meal Monopolizer. Accepting sports as a commitment and part of your day reverses the logic of events and automatically leads to an improvement in your nutritional plan.

Imagine an hour of grueling training – you took it out of your day, out of your life, despite your commitments, work, friends, and family, and in the end, to make it meaningless with a double burger with more mayo or a fluffy cream cake. I don’t think so! I think you would appreciate your hard work in the gym, on the field, court, or dancefloor a bit more.

To get fit for advanced sports fans is a matter of holistic dedication but all of it starts with your activity routines. They bring the oxytocin, the fulfillment of any activity, the joy of movement, and being a master of your body.

Regular exercise is one of the keys to better health, fitness, active longevity, and many other benefits for your physical and mental health. I say the latter not by accident because I have seen time and time again how they (the workouts) affect people in the short and long term. That’s why first on the list to get fit for advanced is the regular training.

Sometimes people become nervous, tense, and grumbling and leave only dissatisfied (there are things that neither I nor the weights in the gym can change) and this metamorphosis happens only within 30-40 minutes.

The increased self-esteem, self-confidence, and extremely social nature of the activities in the field of sports are key factors in the choice, and especially in the choice to keep them as a commitment in one’s program, and one day – even as a hobby.

2. Well-structured nutrition plan

Wholesome and balanced nutrition goes hand in hand with training in the way of forming a better health picture and appearance. There comes a point when even if you have the perfect daily routine – good and long sleep, take thousands of steps, drink liters of water, avoid harmful foods (or at least most), allow yourself time to relax if you eat poorly – you will have satisfying but not good results. As they say:

Breakfast like a king, lunch like a king, dinner like a king and remember – you are not fat, you are a king!

So, to truly be the king of your physical form and good health, it is strongly recommended to stick to a complete and balanced diet with foods that have gone through as little processing as possible, lots of vegetables, clean proteins, and fruits.

To get fit for advanced people means engagement with something stronger than а whim. Once you step on this track you better start tracking not only your days being active but your meals as well. In the end, both are signs of your attitude and willingness to succeed.

Here I don’t mean a restrictive diet or a trendy and fancy menu for dummies but I mean one should eat consciously and have order in one’s meal plan. Get up early enough to have breakfast, take the time to put your lunch on the table instead of eating it on the go, be an early bird with your dinner when it’s possible, and occasionally add a snack to keep your metabolism from getting bored.

3. Strength training

Strength Training To Get Fit for Advanced

Fitness, weight training, strength training – in addition to being one of the biggest boosters of good mood, anti-stress, and happy hormones, they are also incredible boosters of better health and the secret sauce to get fit for advanced.

Here, however, you step into the zone of people who commit to health, mood, and last but not least – their good looks. If you’re thinking of going once a week, every week prepare to carry with you only one fabulous feeling of pain with every voluntary and involuntary movement, called muscle strain. It will be with you for 3 to 4 days and will be waiting for you to see it next week.

The better option is to set aside two days a week for the beginning, and three days a week for the more ambitious (and “free”) ones. This way you will give your muscles an adequate load and reasonable rest.

Muscles and strength with Bestefficient
Muscles and Strength with Bestefficient – How to Get Fit for Advanced

If you’re wondering how to arrange these two days of training, bestefficient and I make training plans – neat with videos, explanations, and everything a child can understand.

Well, of course, you are not children, you are big and healthy men or confident and successful business women and you are not going to give yourself so quickly to some coach who studied for 12 years about training and nutrition and worked for another 16. You better look at that dude on Instagram – what he is doing, what about the poop with the 12 plates on the belly.

But since you’ve read all this far, I don’t think you’re lazy, or stupid, I’m giving you a discount for the curious under this line, and thank you for your interest so far!

Online Training Plan to Get Fit for Advanced

4. To be healthy, cook healthy.

A man is what he eats!

For example, I’m currently an omelet with cheese and tomato, but I have to admit that on Sunday morning I’m a pure pancake (well, with oatmeal and no flour, but it’s edible).

Joking aside, the main pillar of strong immunity, good health, and feeling good in your body, not like a sack of potatoes, is precisely well-balanced and healthy cooking. And if you’re hoping that the patisserie across the street makes the finest patties and that the salad at the restaurant doesn’t have any of the unnecessary “enhancers” to make you want to eat another one and wash it down with two glasses of wine, just forget it.

There are specialized restaurants, and there are businesses that offer a similar service, but if you manage to gather strength, time, skills, nerves, and a box of emotions, I’m sure that you can easily cook something tolerable for cooking 4-5 times a week. Fact – nothing special will happen to you.

Maybe your bad cholesterol and blood sugar will drop a little, although we all owe a lot to them and take care of them, the bill may also drop, but that’s the most important thing. Let’s not forget that bad cholesterol is the main prerequisite for heart attack and stroke. Those with a fatal outcome caused by high cholesterol are just 7.8% of all deaths or 4.4 million people per year! So when I say improve and boost your health through healthy cooking, I mean save your life and I couldn’t be more direct.

5. Social Life

I can already sense the collective eye roll, dismissing the notion of living to a ripe old age as another far-fetched concept. Enter the Netflix series, ‘Living to 100: The Secret of the Blue Zones’ where the creators embark on a global journey to unveil the mysteries of longevity. Surprisingly, a third of the revealed secrets are deeply rooted in social connections – be it a commitment to spiritual teachings or religion, an unwavering dedication to family life, and an active engagement in social circles as part of one’s lifestyle habits.

In these extraordinary places where individuals routinely celebrate their 100th birthdays, the underlying theme is clear: a life well-lived involves more than just the passage of time. It’s not just to get fit for advanced. It’s about adding life to our years, not merely counting the years we’ve lived. Recent trends in mental health echo this sentiment, emphasizing the importance of longevity not just in terms of duration but in the quality of those years.

Picture this – navigating the journey of life surrounded by like-minded individuals, sharing laughter with friends, cultivating deep connections with a partner, exploring hobbies that bring joy, and savoring the simple pleasures. Research indicates that a robust social life, strong relationships, and a supportive community contribute significantly to mental well-being and, consequently, physical health.

So, before you scoff at the idea of centenarians living their best lives, consider this – the key to a longer, healthier life might just be in fostering meaningful connections, embracing a sense of purpose, and cherishing the camaraderie of friends, family, or fellow enthusiasts.

After all, why face the storms of life alone when you can dance in the rain with companions who make the journey worthwhile?

6. The hobby – escape to stay healthy and have a peace of mind

Embarking on the journey to get fit for advanced involves more than just physical exercise; it extends to cultivating habits that nourish the mind and soul. One crucial aspect is the incorporation of a hobby, serving as a refuge from daily demands. As the saying goes, ‘My hobby is my job, so I have a Jobby!’— intertwining work and passion may not always be feasible, but having a personal sanctuary becomes increasingly invaluable with age.

Engaging in a hobby provides a respite from pressures, commitments, and to-do lists. It’s a conscious escape into a realm where time slows, and the only agenda is pursuing genuine joy. A well-chosen hobby is a therapeutic haven for the soul, whether delving into painting, losing oneself in literature, or exploring the outdoors.

Studies show that individuals with a favorite activity are happier and exhibit resilience against stress and mood swings. The pursuit of these endeavors demands a commitment of time and thoughtful planning—an integral part of ‘getting fit for advanced.’

The concept of dedicating time to a personal hobby might be misconstrued as selfishness. However, it’s crucial to recognize that this ‘selfishness’ is self-care—a necessary practice in aging gracefully. Nurturing passions and embracing activities that spark genuine excitement contribute significantly to overall well-being. It’s an investment that fosters a healthier mindset and a more resilient body—key components in the pursuit of getting fit for the advanced chapters of life.

In conclusion, as we strive to ‘get fit for advanced,’ let’s not overlook the transformative power of a well-chosen hobby. Beyond physical exercises, the mindful pursuit of personal interests becomes a cornerstone in building a foundation of mental and emotional wellness—an essential part of the roadmap toward a healthier and more fulfilling future.

7. Self-Knowledge and Your Health: Navigating the Path to Get Fit for Advanced

Delving into the realm of personal self-improvement and self-discovery, my approach often involves blending these abstract concepts with the dynamics of sports, an active lifestyle, and a disciplined habit system to achieve personal and collaborative fitness milestones. However, I’ve come to realize that I may have unintentionally placed some self-imposed limits on this journey.

Ever been told, “You’re floating in the clouds” or “Stop living in the past”? These familiar phrases serve as gentle nudges to be present in the moment. While we consider tomorrow and learn from yesterday’s experiences, being fully immersed in the now is equally crucial—whether you’re mid-exercise, catching a breath, or exploring insights like these lines. If you find resonance in what I’ve shared, drop me an email or take a moment to respond to a brief survey, sharing your preferences. Your time is precious, and as a token of appreciation, I’ll ensure you receive articles tailored to your interests first.

In pursuing to get fit for advanced sports activities, carving out moments for self-reflection becomes paramount. Each instance carries significance, and I encourage you to acknowledge and relish the importance of every beat, breath, and breakthrough in your journey toward peak performance.

8. Work-Life Balance for Optimal Well-Being

The Importance of "Work - Life" balance to get fit for advanced
The Importance of “Work-Life” Balance to Get Fit for advanced

To enjoy good health, you try to separate work from your life. No matter how absorbed you are in your work duties, find a way to put that important boundary right there – not necessarily in time, not necessarily in space, but mostly in your mind that “hey, this is the coolest/crap job, but at the end of the day it’s just a job.” Your name is not director, waiter, florist, doctor, you have a name, a life, relatives, friends.

In the pursuit of overall well-being, the quest for good health necessitates a deliberate effort to delineate the realms of work and personal life. Amid the whirlwind of work obligations, establishing a mental boundary becomes paramount—acknowledging that, regardless of the job’s demands, it’s just one facet of a multifaceted existence. Your identity extends beyond professional titles; it encompasses a unique life, cherished relationships, and a network of friends and family.

To reinforce this mindset, consider incorporating daily affirmations into your routine. Remind yourself that your worth transcends the tasks you perform, echoing the sentiment that, “I am more than my job; I am a culmination of experiences, passions, and connections.” This conscious affirmation can serve as a grounding mantra, fostering a healthier perspective on the role of work in your life.

Factually, numerous studies highlight the detrimental effects of persistent work-related stress on both mental and physical health. Striking a balance between professional commitments and personal life not only reduces stress but also enhances productivity and job satisfaction. Embracing the philosophy that a well-rounded life contributes to career success can lead to improved focus, creativity, and overall job performance.

In essence, cultivating a healthy work-life balance is not just a luxury but a necessity. It’s an investment in your mental and physical health, a commitment to sustained productivity, and a celebration of the rich tapestry that comprises your identity beyond the workplace.

Remember, you are more than your occupation—you are a vibrant and dynamic individual with a life to savor beyond the confines of a job description.

9. Sweet Liberation: The Power of Limiting Sugary Indulgences to Get fit for advanced

And for a dessert – no dessert! hah, I put this on the tail for two main reasons: it’s up to your ability to control your hunger for sweets and even if you do so it’s important to know that any overuse/reduction of sweets, and sugary flavored beverages could be a game changer!

Reducing your intake of sugary snacks and beverages is capable of freeing up space for one more meal by which you could ensure your body the needed protein to get fit and stay healthy far easier.

Embarking on the journey towards optimal health involves a sweet twist—limiting sugary foods. The cheeky insistence on ‘no dessert for dessert’ is more than a playful suggestion; it underscores the pivotal role of self-control in curbing the allure of sweets. Beyond the playful quip, understanding the consequences of excessive sugar consumption is essential for the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.

Consider this: your ability to control the craving for sweets is not just a test of willpower; it’s a conscious decision to prioritize your well-being. Acknowledging that moderation in sugar intake is a key player in the game of health empowers you to make mindful choices in your diet.

Scientifically, the impacts of excessive sugar on health are well-documented. From weight gain and increased risk of chronic diseases to the potential disruption of hormonal balance, the repercussions of unchecked sugar consumption can be far-reaching. By limiting sugary snacks and beverages, you not only safeguard your physical health but also create dietary space for nutrient-dense meals, enhancing your body’s ability to receive essential proteins for fitness and overall health.

Here’s a thought to savor: every choice to resist that tempting sugary treat is a step towards a healthier, more resilient you. It’s not just about denying yourself dessert; it’s about embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes long-term well-being over momentary indulgences. So, the next time you consider reaching for that sugary delight, remember—the sweetness of a health-conscious choice far surpasses the fleeting pleasure of a sugary indulgence.

Wrap-up: Get Fit for Advanced and Embrace a Life of Vitality

As we conclude this exploration into the transformative journey of ‘getting fit for advanced,’ let’s reflect on the key principles that pave the path to a life of vitality. Regular training, a well-structured nutrition plan, strength training, mindful cooking, fostering social connections, cultivating hobbies, embracing self-reflection, achieving work-life balance, and limiting sugary indulgences – these are the cornerstones that will empower you to excel in your fitness pursuits and radiate health and well-being throughout the advanced stages of your life.

Remember, this journey is not just about physical prowess; it’s about holistic wellness. It’s about nourishing your body, mind, and soul, embracing a life brimming with joy, passion, and fulfillment. So, embark on this transformative odyssey with unwavering determination, and prepare to witness the extraordinary transformation that awaits you.

Embrace the Fitness Transformation and Sign up for My Newsletter

If you’re ready to embark on your journey to advanced fitness excellence, I invite you to join my newsletter, where you’ll receive exclusive tips, strategies, and insights tailored to your specific needs and aspirations. Together, we’ll navigate the path to fitness mastery, unlocking your true potential and empowering you to live a life of vibrant health and boundless vitality.

And remember, the first step towards getting fit for advanced is to take action today.

Start cooking healthy meals, incorporate strength training into your routine, and prioritize rest and recovery.

With dedication and a commitment to self-improvement, you’ll achieve remarkable results and discover the remarkable potential that lies within you.

Embrace the journey, celebrate the victories, and never give up on your fitness aspirations.

Together, we’ll transform your fitness journey into a symphony of health, happiness, and enduring vitality.

Best as always,
Coach Stef

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