About Bestefficient
| 10 Great Reasons to Choose Me

About Bestefficient

Stefan Terziyski, Personal Trainer and founder of Bestefficient

What Google knows about Bestefficient and me:

- Master's degree in "Fitness, Sports, Health"
- Pedagogical education so I can work with adults and children as well
- Bachelor degree - a physical education teacher and a basketball coach
- Dietetics - specialized in France
- Conditioning Training of professional athletes in Paris, France
- Online training and coaching – OTA, approved provider for CECs and CEUs from NASM, CANFITPRO, ACE ,etc.

Based on these skills I am:

- Fitness expert and consultant since 2007
- University lecturer since 2013
- Founder of a platform for a healthy lifestyle
- A Representative of Bulgaria at the International Olympic Academy in 2010
- Trained and advised over 700 people for their healthy lifestyle


About Bestefficient Personal Trainer™ – created to support people in their everyday battle to be healthy, fit and energized in terms of worldwide varieties of how to do that.

We kindly and carefully collect and present to you the best and most efficient sides of different types of training, eating, living. We strongly believe that balance, the persistence of the right actions and the habits they created are the base on which lies not only your fit shape but your well being too.

Our knowledge is based on years of learning and then years of experience. The people chosen to write articles here are first of all graduated (Master, Ph.D., etc.) and after proven experts in fitness, nutrition, and health care. Dear reader, you have the chance to touch the mind of science by someone dedicated to driving the progress of people he works with.

To be the best of you is our mission and we spend thousands of hours to find the best and the most efficient practices.

Sincerely yours,
Stefan Terziyski, BESTEFFICIENT Personal Trainer™