Online workout plan – 10 powerful answers from your Personal Trainer

What’s important is not the online workout plan and mobile app you pay for, but the real-life coach with actual experience behind the app that you get

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Online workout plan or in-person – the most difficult thing in fitness is working out in the right way and keeping up a good rhythm, without that getting to be a burden for you. This is my job and this is why you need me. Stefan Terziyski

What is Bestefficient?

Bestefficient started out as a .net blog site for healthy lifestyle, nutrition and sport activity articles. It has very rapidly grown to a wholistic online platform for distance workouts over a mobile app, where I create the training program for you, targeted at your personal fitness goal.

How do I start with it?

In today’s ever more connected world, the contact with me is possible almost anytime, anywhere.

  • If you need a personal fitness trainer from a distance –enter the site, have a look at the two At Home and two Anywhere options and just choose.

How is Bestefficient Anywhere different?

While the At Home programs are personalized and targeted for implementation mainly at home, i.e. with almost no fitness equipment whatsoever, the Anywhere programs are standardized and targeted rather for use inside a standard gym, but also possible to perform in the park or at the hotel gym, for example. The Bestefficient Anywhere programs come in two options: Slim & Fit and Muscles & Strength.

bestefficient training anywhere
bestefficient training anywhere

If I decide to workout with your online workout plan at the gym, how can I choose between Slim & Fit and Muscles & Strength from your mobile app?

These two programs are based on my many years of experience with clients. These are the two most common goals people have in mind when they come to me for help.

  • Slim & Fit is tailored to people, who are not afraid to train in the gym, who want to get lean or just get in better shape but have not been lucky enough so far to meet the coach that is right for them. I will be your coach and you will have a virtual access to me, although you will be working out by yourself.
  • Muscules & Strength is my favourite program, which reflects my huge experience from working with weights and is dedicated to the ones, who are resolved to bring out the entire potential of their bodies. I created this program for the hidden fitness maniac inside you with the kindest of feelings toward such a definition of a person.

What happens after I choose an online workout plan?

After purchasing a subscription

  • You get an e-mail from me with the following two things:
  1. A link for downloading the application
  2. A short questionnaire for feedback from you
  • Withing 24 hours I upload your online workout plan with the set of exercises and directions about the number of reps, duration of breaks, etc.
  • Important: the exercises have a video demo, so you may see how to properly perform each one of them.

You can view some examples at the YouTube channel of Bestefficient.

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What should I do if I do not have any motivation?

Time has proven time and again that with working out it is the habit rather than the inspiration that brings you the results. The thing is that you need to start working out as soon as possible if you are not doing so already, and if you are – do go work out again. The only thing that will surely guarantee you progress is to be active and consistent.

Can you – as a Personal Trainer from a distance – help me with my online workout plan?

Yes, that is exactly why in the Bestefficient programs I always build in not just a series of exercises, but a wholistic action plan with incorporated steps of provoking, engaging, and habit building. I jump out of your phone app every day with a reminder to train or at least be active in some way!

What is Bestefficient At Home?

This is the same mobile app, which you use on your phone or another mobile device of your choice. Inside that I – as your Personal Trainer from a distance – create a personalized program of on demand workouts, tailored to your fitness goals. The options are two again – Optimum and Premium – and differ mostly in the intensity and frequency of the contact with me.

Online workout plan - Bestefficient at home
Bestefficient at home – Online workout plan

Nutrition is very important for getting in good shape!

Absolutely. This is in fact the leading factor. Having specialized dietetics and having drafted nutritional plans for tens of clients over the years, I could offer you that anytime, together or independent of a training plan – I highly recommend that the Nutritional Plan is implemented in conjunction with a Workout Program!

You may request a Nutritional plan at any time at my Personal Coach profile on Facebook or by dropping me an e-mail at

What is the most difficult part – give us a straight answer!

Generally, in fitness the most difficult thing is training in the correct way and keeping up a steady tempo of your workouts, without that getting to be an additional burden on you.

My job is precisely that and that is why you need me – personally or from a distance.

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