Nutrition Plan Instead Restrictive Diet | How to be successful – 2nd Part

It is ridiculous how simple the nutrition plan could be for you. Your body needs three fundamental macros – protein, carbohydrates, and fats.

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In the first part of the Diets vs Nutrition plan article we saw that: Sticking to a sustainable Nutrition plan is definitively better than any Diet.

Nutrition Plan Instead of Restrictive Diet: Part One


Your body needs the holy trinity of these three fundamental macrosprotein, carbohydrates, and fats.

You’ve got 4 calories for a gram of carbs, 4 calories for a gram of protein and 9 calories for a gram of fat. You have to mix it all and mix it right.

Choosing to go for the latest-fashion-super “diet” of the day may lead to:

  • Systemic food deprivation, which in turn might cause ailments such as anorexia or pain.
  • Monotonous eating, which in turn might cause gastric damage such as gastritis, colitis, ulcers.
  • The omission of meals, which in turn might lead to impaired digestive system activity.
  • And even if you super compensate in diluted meals, it could cause enlarged stomach or insulin resistance

Insulin resistance is a pre-diabetic condition. Patients with type 2 diabetes usually have previously undergone insulin resistance and prediabetes, although they often remain undiagnosed. Insulin resistance is a syndrome (a set of signs and symptoms) that results in decreased insulin activity, and is part of a more complex set of symptoms called metabolic syndrome.


So Don’t follow the next trend in diets! Here’s what better to do instead.

Instead of restricting some macros, you have to track them.

It is ridiculous how simple it all could be for you. Your body needs three fundamental macros – protein, carbohydrates, and fats. You should add also vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Obviously we need to add water because we are over 70% water.

Don’t eat once a day, eat 4-5 times

Why should you skip meals, eat once or twice a day but double and eat in excess any time you actually do it? Oh, yeah, you’ll save time! That precious time that you are going to lose after when you have to fix your unhealthy eating. Why don’t you start straight with the Nutrition Plan and not lose your time and money? As usual many vs few give you a better shot at achieving your goals.

Nutrition Plan is not staying hungry

I know there is something dramatic and extraordinary in staying hungry that reveals how strong a will power you have but:

Just. Don’t. Do it.

When you are on a diet, i.e. When you eat less frequently or let’s call it what it is: You stay hungry:

  • The first nutrients you “kill” are carbohydrates, then protein comes in (the basic building block of your muscles) and you are finally breaking down with fat.
  • In other words, you are killing the muscles. “Thanks” to that you get “soften”, and the fats are the fighting units from the back rows that remain until the last letting you be “proud” of them.
  • But the bonuses of your heroic hunger do not stop there: Congratulations, you’re slowing down your metabolism too!
  • And on top of that, once you’ve weakened the active units of your body – your muscles – comes complete disarmament because of the constantly varying levels of insulin. Risk factor for initiating insulin resistance. My admirations, you’ve ensured me work for a few years from now!

Guess what is the first recommendation to someone with Diabetes? Eat often, but less and watch out for the Glycemic index of the foods The Glycemic Index (GI) is a relative ranking of carbohydrate in foods according to how they affect blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates with a low GI value (55 or less) are more slowly digested, absorbed and metabolized and cause a lower and slower rise in blood glucose and, therefore insulin levels.

Babies eat 7-8 times I 24 hours. That’s how they grow and become stronger. By staying hungry you are not feeding your muscles (except “the will muscle”) so they/ you become weaker. And I’d recommend you train your “will muscle” with regular visits to the gym, not by staying hungry.

Instead of avoiding some foods, go anywhere you like, just know what to pay attention to.

Don’t run away from the restaurants you usually visit with your friends. Just be mindful and find a better option: Instead of fried onion rings, French fries and a coke, order grilled veggies, rice, or even full grain pasta.

Steps to take for your Nutrition Plan:

  • Check your body weight, but don’t become obsessed with the scale
  • Calculate your daily calories intake – use our completely free Fitness Calculator
  • Check what should be your macros for a balanced nutrition plan based on your weight (a nutritionist can help you with that; Bestefficient could help you with that)
  • Think of how many kilos or pounds you want to gain or lose
  • Track your macros on a daily basis for two weeks

The takeaway

I don’t think  I have ever been a supporter of the extremes in eating – like you should eat only meat, or you shouldn’t eat meat, or you shouldn’t eat dairy, eat only salads, eat only apples, bread is my enemy, bread is my friend, etc. All these “rules” only confuse people.

You should look for and find a balance. I am not a philosopher and cannot talk about Life. But at least I know about the regime. Be it nutrition or training, I have certainly helped many people and have something good to say. In fact, sometimes that thing may be as simple as “Do miss the chance” for this donut super offer.

But in the end, we eat to live and not vice versa. Have a good appetite and a fantastic healthy life, full of positive vibes, and for that: Do not miss any of the Macros!

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